ThiA few weeks ago I purchased a huge haul from my one of my favorite websites, Coastal Scents. If you've never purchased anything from Coastal, you are really missing out. I am so in love with their eye shadows, not to mention the fact that the prices are so amazing.
I bought these thing when the prices were half off of everything... My favorite Coastal sale.
This is my " Make your own pallet". Hot pots are usually $1.99 but they were half off. You would think they would be horrible as they only cost 2 bucks, but they are amazing. I absolutely love the pigment of these shadows. I like the make your own pallet because I generally use the same colors over and over, golds, pinky/peaches, blues, and greens. I also have the original 88 pallet for when I want to go outside the box. You buy each hot pot you want, a case and you out them in order the way you want them. I use this thing everyday.
This is the blush pallet. I'm still trying to figure out my favorite blush color. My skin does some weird things in the wintertime so I bought this pallet to give me A few to choose from. So far I've tried the 6 at the bottom and they all look good on chocolate skin. My favorites are the two links in the middle. Gives my skin the perfect rosy color.
I bought these two oils for my skin and hair. I believe they were originally $7.95 a piece, but again, they were half off. So far I've used this to make a Shea butter pomade for my hair, removing markup before I use my clarisonic (my friend Brianna but me up on that, review coming soon), and a light oiling for my hair on wash days. I love that there isn't a strong smell with these oils so I could add some lavender essential oils to them. There are so many oils to choose from as well.
Next up is the Small Synthetic Classic Buffer brush. I needed something to highlight my under eye area. I will admit, I was worried this brush wasn't going to be dense enough. I had a few flops when I purchased my first few brushes from Coastal, but I think that was because I'd bought a cheap 10 piece set. This brush was completely dense and hold the power/highlighter perfectly. I'd really like to pick up the elite brush set, but I pay $70.00 for no man hahahaha. I keep kicking myself because I should have bought them when they were half off. Anyway, this one is great.
Lastly, I bought these fragrance oils to burn in my diffuser. I have been buying the vanilla lavender for 2 years now, but I try other scents as well. I love the honey almond but it's really strong. I have to dilute it with more water than normal because for some reason the oil burns faster than the others. But they do make the house smell luxurious.
Well, that's my haul from Coastal. I'm going to throw in another close up of my shadows.
Obviously they are my favorite part of the haul. Those pinks are to die for, especially if you use a primer. I use the Nyx primer on my lid before I throw this on.
Ok, its 9:15am and I haven't had my coffee yet... Toodles
Coastal scents have great collection for the makeup junkie like me. Will definitely purchase from Coastal Scents,specially I like their eye shadow palette,its beyond amazing!