Saturday, May 24, 2014

Where Have I Been?

I'm so out of control for this, right.  I really dropped the ball on this blogging thing, but I have fabulous excuses.  Not only did I go home for a week, but all of my furniture and boxes arrived from England so I have been pretty busy.  Between unpacking, travelling, and trying to let my body acclimate to this Georgia humidity, my days have been pretty full- not to mention kind of lacking in the excitement department.  But here is a quick (ok, quick is an understatement)

Here is a picture of my babies giving me the "Do we have to get out of bed" face.

Myself and my mini me in Pittsburgh.  I went home for mother's day and I had the best time.
 My big little brother before he cut that mess off his head lol.  He looks super handsome now.

I made a helluva roast for dinner this week.  Going to make another and post the recipe.  I mean, it was next level!

Ok, that is the best I can do!! More to come soon, I promise!

Smooches XOXO

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